Gallery 2018 Allsorts from the final week

  • Final Thursday Morning Novice group
    A morning of bridge followed by a fantastic lunch put together by Director Julie and her wonderful team of helpers
  • Christmas Cake with all the Aces
    This wonderful cake was made and iced by Pat Milliner
  • Birthday Girl Nola and friends
    Nola, Pauline and Janet. What better way to celebrate a special birthday but to play bridge and lunch with your friends
  • 2018 winners of the Filler Cup
    President Murray with Denis Watkinson and Neville Thomas. The Filler Cup was presented to the club by Ruth Filler in commemoration of her late husband Sol. This year Ruth has been unwell so sadly she has just had to give up her beloved bridge.
  • A new grand master
    Beverley Morris has just achieved her Grand Master Level at Bridge. This year has seen members of the club receive Gold, Silver and lots of other NZ Bridge Awards. We are very proud of all our members and their successes.
  • Daytime Shared lunches in the last week
    Our members came in with contributions and the lunch tables each day look amazing.
  • Sit down shared lunch
    Friday afternoon session played a few less boards so they could celebrate their year in style.