January 2016 newsletter

Ngā mihi o te tau hou ki a koutou. Greetings and salutations to you all in the new year. Welcome to the first newsletter of 2016.

In this newsletter we bring you 


Club News

Welcome to the New Year.

This is our second week back, and the club is in full swing.

All sessions are operating as usual, with Patrick directing with his accustomed style.

Deborah and Ann are back in the office, processing all the membership fees for this year. If you haven't paid yours yet, there is still time to pay and receive the prompt payment discount.

It is wonderful to see so many members coming back with stories of their experiences of the last few weeks- be it with family, friends, vacationing, indulging other hobbies and interests or playing various Summer Bridge events in the region and country.

The photo to the right was taken December 5th last year during the shared lunch to honour Sunday Millar's centenary. Members from the upstairs afternoon session came down briefly to join in the celebration, to pack the room. The centre photo shows our new president, Anne Barrowclough making a short speech to honour Sunday, who is on the left.

For those of us who are still moving through the grades, the NZ Bridge rankings for the year of 2016 has been printed out and can be found on the noticeboard on the West wall outside Patrick's office. The rank that is shown applies for the year, and can determine which events you may, or may not, be eligible to play. You can also find this information on the NZ Bridge website.

Membership Fees 2016

In order to be eligible for the early payment discount, you must pay your fee by 31/01/2016.

A reminder that donations are gratefully received and tax deductable

Parking Permit

Once you have paid your 2016 fees, please collect this years parking permit from the office, to display prominently on your car dash or window when using the car park

Club Programme

If you do not yet have the 2016 Club Programme, you can collect a copy from the window sill between the playing room and Ann & Deborah's office

Nou mai Haere mai, welcome to our new members:

Hils Dodunski, Ray Kingston, Foss Dodds, Hugh Caughley, Murray Weatherston, Robin (Bob) Bennett, Angela Stone, Ann Simich, Lesley Cavanagh, Judith Hunt, Carol De Luca, Shaun Lafferty, Keith Plows, Denise Johnson, Lorraine Fletcher


Waitangi Day Pairs 8B

February 6th

play starts 09:45


sponsored by     Perform Podiatry

Bell Taylor Pairs 5A

February 13th

play starts 09:30


Sponsored by Sibuns Funeral Services

Easter Congress

March 26- 10A Open pairs & 8B Int/Jun pairs (pre-entry)

March 27- 10A Teams (pre-Entry)

March 28 teams Finals Sponsored by 7 St Vincent

March 28- Remuera House of Travel Walk-In 3A Pairs

Waitemata 5A open pairs

January 23rd 2016

Warkworth 8B Open pairs

January 30th 2016

We welcome Hamish Brown to the newsletter production team. Hamish will be presenting an interesting hand in every newsletter. If you have an interesting hand you want to share, then please send it our way... we are a bridge club Newsletter... interesting hands are why we play the game.

If you would like to help out or contribute on a regular basis, or have an interesting anecdote you would like to share, then please contact the editor Babs-Merel de Visser at

Safety or Run?

by Hamish Brown

Hands 9 & 14:    

This pair of hands came almost back to back at a recent A point pairs event.   On both hands 3NT by south was the contract and small C was the lead. The first hand demonstrates the use of a safety play to make a contract, and the second highlights the risk of a safety play at Matchpoints where every trick counts.


9:                            AJ65




QT32                                                      984

Q2                                                          8543

84                                                          QT2

A7642                                                    QT8






When West leads the 4 of clubs and East plays the Queen, South must duck.  South then covers the T with the K or J so that when South later finesses the QD he still has a C control to stop East/West running the C suit.  This safety play of ducking works because the C are 5 – 3; and with the D finesse losing it’s the only way to make the contract.  The defensive counter measure of ducking the second C and winning the ace on the third round (when partner plays her third C after winning the QD) probably holds declarer to 9 tricks.  This defence may have been found at some tables since 430 was worth 30 out of 34 match points.


14:                          J93




A765                                                      T84

J5                                                          9842

973                                                        T2

AT86                                                      Q953






On the lead of the 6C the Q went up and South thought “ Ahh. Ground Hog day”.  However on this hand there are 9 tricks off the top and 10 tricks if the JH falls in 3 so there is no need to try a finesse to make the contract.  South thought about this a bit and failed to appreciate the possibility that West had 4C and the AS,  duly played the 4 under the Q and making 430 when many in the room went +460.


Look what happens if you win with the KC and run 5 rounds of D and 4 rounds of H (Yes! The J falls).  When you play the KS, west can take his AS and now has to lead towards the Club J4 so you lose 2 black aces and nothing else…. North-South get 400 or 430 just by running the winners and 460 is only possible if the K is taken immediately.  

Babich 5A Pairs January 6,7 & 8 2016

Every year, on the first three official back-to-work days of the New Year, Auckland Bridge Club hosts the Babich Summer Pairs, a 5A tournament that runs over the three evenings. Players either enter the full tournament of all three sessions before play begins, or play one or more of the sessions on a casual basis. The first two evenings saw 38 (top photo) and 33 (bottom photo) tables respectively, with the final evening also hosting 33 tables. We had players come from as far as Denmark to participate (the second evening only), and for many Bridge Addicts this was their first opportunity to get a Bridge Fix for the year...

Congratulations to our own Trudy Lange and Rachel Goffin for finishing second in the finals and Roy Ballard and Don Hayward for winning the plate.

Club Restricted Christmas Fun Tournament Dec 5th 2015

The annual Club restricted, for members only, hosted 24 tables of many first-time partnerships, a few "we-always-play-only-this-event" partnerships and a few established partnerships. A relaxed day of bridge, with friendly conversation and opportunities to meet players we do not always get to meet, if we play different sessions.

Congratulations to Anne Gelb/Carol Joseph who took overall top honours, and top O/I; Nicky Bowers/Fiona Moon who came second overall and top O/J; Jan Brown/Peter Thomson who were the highest placed I/J and Robert Mewa/Raoul Daroux who were highest placed J/J.

Series Winners.

Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 end of year series and Trophies

Monday Morning session: Shirley Pedersen on winning the Connie Bell Points trophy

Tuesday Evening session:  Mark Robertson won the Rothschild Cup and while Rosemary Matskows took home the Ima Sayeagh Trophy

section 1: Mark Robertson and Mike Dunn gained the Caddy Cup

section 2: Congratulations to Ruth Filler and Brenda Shenken for winning the Filler Cup

Wednesday Morning: Morrish Cup Points Trophy: went to Elaine & Bruce Fisher

Wednesday evening Jalfon Points Salver: Congratulations to Ian Handricks

Thursday evening: Sylvester Riddell claimed the Morgan Cup. Congratulations to Trudy Lange for the Heighway Cup,and for winning the Auckland cup with partner, Rachel Goffin

Friday Morning section 1: Congratualtions to Peer Bach on winning the Ivy Williams trophy

Friday morning section 2: Congratulations to Vera Woollerton for winning the Albert Stern Trophy

Friday Afternoon: Jo Clark on winning the Adams points trophy

Ranking Up

Congratulations to our members who over the last few months have successfully attained the following new ranks...

National Master

Johanna Perfect

Life master

Leslie Watt 2*

Grand Master

Janet Barnard

Mark Robertson


Setsuko Lichtnecker

John Ruddell 2*

Jennifer Perkins 4*

Provincial Master

Stephen Goodman 1*

Amelia Herbert 5*

Pru Robertson

Alison Ruddell 2*

Sharon Stretton 1*

Anne Barrowclough 1*

Deborah Tangney 1*

Alice Young 1*

Alison Ruddell 3*

                   Local Master

Jill Benton 2*

Mike Cooper 2*

Beverley Gentles 2*

Ian Handricks 2*

Owen Hayward

Neil Moss 11*

Richard Parkinson 5*

Anne Satherwaite 1*

Neville Thomas 6*

Joy Watkinson 3*

Vera Woollerton 5*

Tony Jiang

Bianca Van Rangelrooy

Sylvia Triester

Rosemary Wilkinson

Julia Zhu

Margaret Skegg 1*

Dave Garrett 2*

Nicky Bowers 4*

Peter Hensman 5*

Shirley Petersen 10*

Club Master

Nicolette Bartoli

Barbara Glenie

Julie Hawkes

Wendy McEntergart

Lanell Monreal

Ann Weatherston

Bruce Wright

Judy Aldridge

Robert Mewa

Mary Swaffield

Certificate of Proficiency

Howard Mountain

Rhys Hitchcock

Andrew Green 

Penny Greig

NZ Bridge Website Update

New Zealand Bridge has a new look website, and a new web address

You should notice a few improvements. 

The main difference is that you’ll have to register once on the My NZB page using your NZB Computer number in order to see your Masterpoints. But once registered you’ll automatically see your progress on the Home page each time you visit the site, and of course still see everyone else's progress.

On the My NZB page if you are arriving FOR THE FIRST TIME you need to enter your NZ Computer Number on the right hand side of the screen:  then your name should pop up automatically on the left hand side and you can add the other details requested. And click the "Remember me" box so that you don't have to re-type your details each time you  log in.

You can expect new facilities for clubs and players during this year. The new site should give you much better information including:

  • Clubs, their addresses and website and maps for the entire country
  • Usable on computers, telephones and tablets
  • Tournaments
  • New Forums from the My NZB page where you can give your feedback and ideas (after you have registered once)

Come visit at